Recent amendments to the Liquor Act allow holders of subsidiary on-premises (meals) licences to apply for a permanent approval to sell takeaway wine. The approvals are likely to become valid in late January when the amendments come into force. The latest information from OLGR is that the current takeaway liquor authorities are due to expire on 28 February, with no plans for an extension beyond that date. Therefore, if you wish to continue to sell takeaway wine you must have that condition endorsed on your licence.
The Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation sent information to licensees inviting them to make an application. Feedback we have received tells us there is some confusion regarding what is required to support the application. We are providing the information below to make it easier for licensees.
Who can apply?
Anyone who is the holder of a subsidiary on-premises (meals) licence.
How can I make an application?
You must complete ‘Form 19 – Application for a permanent variation of a licence’. This is a generic form and many of the fields are not applicable for this type of application. To avoid confusion we have provided a copy of the form with those fields clearly marked (available for download here). We have also pre-filled the details for the variation, meaning licensees need only add licensed premises details, contact, etc.
Is there an application fee?
If you had a subsidiary on-premises (meals) licence before the amendments come into force, there is no fee for this type of application until 30 June 2022. It is not yet clear what fee will be payable after this date or for new licensees.
How do I submit my application?
You must send the completed form 9 to the Customer Service Team at We recommend including the following text in your email message.
Dear CST
Please see attached application(s) for the endorsement of a condition permitting the sale of wine for consumption off the licensed premises with takeaway meals.
It is our understanding that:
- No application fees are payable for these application(s);
- There is no requirement for a community impact statement;
- There is no requirement for the application(s) to be advertised for objections;
- The endorsement of this condition on a licence does not trigger the requirement for a RAMP.
If this is incorrect, or if other information is required, please contact us on <insert telephone number>.
We hope the above information makes it easier for licensees to apply. If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call our office.