Good Friday – 29 March 2024
Trading hours and conditions for all licensed premises in Queensland are set out below.
Thursday Night (Good Friday Eve): all premises must cease service at 12 midnight. The 30 minute grace period for consumption of drinks on the premises still applies.
Good Friday up to Midnight: if you do not normally serve meals on the premises, you will be able to enjoy a day off.
Premises offering a meals service may open at the usual time on Good Friday, but liquor may only be sold in association with a meal prepared on the premises and served in a part of the premises ordinarily set aside for dining.
Adult entertainment is not permitted on any licensed premises in the 24 hour period from midnight to midnight on Good Friday.
Midnight on Good Friday onwards: normal trading resumes. Premises with extended trading hours approval may open at midnight and trade under their normal conditions until the approved closing time.
Normal trading hours and conditions apply for the remainder of the Easter period.
ANZAC Day – 25 April 2024
All licensed premises must cease liquor service at 12 midnight on 24 April, with the usual 30 minute grace period. Gaming must also cease at midnight.
Up to 1 pm on ANZAC day liquor may be sold in association with a meal, prepared on the premises and served in a part of the premises ordinarily set aside for dining. No takeaway liquor may be sold before 1 pm on ANZAC day.
RSL clubs and licensed premises catering for ANZAC day services or RSL functions can commence trading from 5 am on ANZAC day, subject to certain conditions. Please see the OLGR Factsheet for full details.
If your require a temporary extended hours permit for Anzac Day you must lodge the application at least 21 days in advance, which means by close of business on 4 April 2024, the Thursday after Easter. You can make an application through the OLGR Client Portal, or by completing an application form and sending it to OLGR.