The latest Public Health Direction placing a limit of 10 on public or private gatherings DOES NOT apply to licensed premises.
The relevant part from Movement and Gathering Direction (No. 3) is set out below.
23 Gathering does not include a gathering:
i. at a business, facility or service operating in accordance with, or not restricted under, the Restrictions on Businesses, Activities or Undertakings Direction (No. 5), or its successor, or another Public Health Direction;
Example – wedding, funeral, accommodation facilities, retail store, shopping centre
j. at a business, facility or service not restricted under the Restrictions on Businesses, Activities or Undertakings Direction (No. 5), or its successor, or another Public Health Direction;
Restrictions on Businesses, Activities or Undertakings Direction (No. 5) is the public health direction affecting licensed premises. Licensees must continue to comply with restrictions on patron numbers based on venue size, and any other matter contained in their COVID Safe plan or checklist.
It is reasonable to believe that if the current outbreaks are not contained there may be further restrictions announced in the future. We will endeavour to provide updates as information becomes available.