The Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation released Final Outcomes – Review of the Liquor Act 1992 on 14th October 2008. This is the first official publication since the amendments to the Liquor Act were passed by the Queensland Parliament in September.
The report describes in plain English many of the ways in which licensees will be affected by the changes to the Liquor Act when they come into force on 1st January 2009. The final version of the annual fee self-assessment table is included in the document and licensees will now be able to calculate the fees payable in January.
How much will you have to pay?
To calculate the amount you will be required to pay when the fees are introduced in January:
1. Tick all of the boxes in the self-assessment table, except the Compliance section*, which apply to your business.
2. Add the amounts together – remember the fees are payable for each bottleshop and each late trading period.
3. Divide the total by two.
The final figure is the amount you will have to pay in January 2009 for the six month period to 30th June. The full annual fee will be payable in July 2009.
*For the purposes of calculating annual fees OLGR will not consider a licensee’s compliance history until the assessment for the year beginning 1st July 2010. However, the full fee will be payable for that period based on the licensees compliance history since the introduction of fees. Additionally, the fees are attached to the licence and if the licence is transferred before the assessment the new licensee will be liable for all fees.